The Source for Fine Waters
The word “Vichy” is commonly associated with the region and the politics of an area in France. “Vichy” has also morphed into a product category word to describe, among other things, waters that share a particular high TDS character, and a long pedigree.
The current Vichy Catalàn was originally called Puig de les Ànimes, named after the thermal spring from which the water is drawn in Caldes de Malavella. Innumerable famous personages throughout history have drunk and bathed in this famous spa.
It was in May of 1890 that Vichy Catalán became the registered brand name, and their first formal on plant for bottling was inaugurated. The driving force was Doctor Modest Furest y Roca. Dr. Furest was born in Sant Pol de Mar on 20 February 1852 and graduated in medicine and surgery at the University of Barcelona in 1873, where he came into contact with the most advanced scientific thinking of the time. Then, as now, Vichy Catalàn was believed to possess unique health properties, especially in the area of lowering cholesterol.
Production and distribution of Vichy Catalán grew substantially up until 1936, but was brought to an abrupt halt with the outbreak of civil war when the company Vichy Catalán was confiscated and the spa turned into a military hospital. In the Post-World War II era, the spa and bottling facility were under the fascist regime, and its reemergence onto the world scene had to wait until the politics of Europe again shifted.
In 1990 Grupo Vichy Catalán was created. The Group’s products come under the most stringent quality controls. In 1996, the international certifying agency Der Norske Veritas (DNV) granted Vichy Catalán the ISO 9001 quality standard which certifies supreme quality with maximum safety guarantees throughout the whole of the bottling,
In 2004 the Vichy Catalán Spa Hotel was awarded the UNE EN ISO 9001:2000 certification for accommodation and catering, audited by the company Tüv, and also obtained the Q for Quality awarded by the certifying committee of the Spanish Tourist Quality Institute (ICTE).
The health-giving properties of Vichy Catalán water have come under study over its entire history. Recent investigations have shown that Vichy Catalán water has positive effects on the body in a way that was unknown up to now. In 2004, the prestigious American magazine "The Journal of Nutrition" published the study conducted by Dr. Pilar Vaquero of the Nutrition and Food Science Institute of the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Higher Council of Scientific Research) (CSIC) on the cardiovascular effects of Vichy Catalán water. The CSIC made public the results of a second study confirming that Vichy Catalán helps to lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.
Aqua Maestro is extremely pleased to feature this great historic water. Vichy has a very distinctive taste. It is a natural sparkling mineral water which has carbonic gas added to its natural state. Connoisseurs agree that Vichy Catalan tastes best cold, as the palate seems to enjoy the sparkling character that contains plenty of sodium – approximately 1 gram per liter – and bicarbonates of more than 2 grams per liter.
Chlorides are also strong at 584 milligrams per liter; Potassium is 51 milligrams per liter; Silica is high at 77 mg/l; Sulphate level is 47 mg/l; and there are interesting trace elements, including 1.3 mg/l of Lithium. Nitrates are nil.
Price per case
Club Price per case
12 Glass Screw Top Bottles/Case
Regular Price: $72.99
Special Price $36.50
20 Glass Snap Top Bottles/Case